Wednesday 13 July 2011

Incredible India : Rajasthan: Day 1

I spent for 13 hours on a plane and 2 hours for a transit. It was a really long journey the same as the first time to New Zealand.During transferring in the Changi Airport ,the transit airport , I felt very sleepy and tried ,that time was around 1:00 am . I tried to carry myself to get the next plane in another terminal oioioioioi.  However, eventually luckily fortunately, I arrived Dehli about 5:30 am local time in July,7.Yeh yeh unfortunately, my legs and hand were swollen as the result of a long time sitting. 

Indira Gandhi Airport

At the custom of Dehli, many interestingly contemporary sculptures were showed on the above wall,the first impressive......

After I finished the process of the immigration, my first city was Agra . Agra is far from Dehli approx. 160 km. 

During going to Agra, I was wondering how Indians use roads .I definitely means "use": walking, riding a bike and animals, driving a car. No priority here!!!! if you can find a space to go, you get the rights to go even though you are riding a camel. Incredible India, isn't it ? 

Fortunately, I now am getting use to this traffic,hahaahha. For example

Many Place in Agra are the world heritage such as Taj Mahal, Amber Fort, Baby Taj

Taj Mahal 

The South Gate

Tan and Gate

The Dome of the Gate

At the First Sight of Taj Mahal via The South Gate 

My head and Taj !!! Funny Picture

Before visit the Mable building Taj

Beside of the Princess 

Citizen and The Pricess

White Tall and Handsome Pillar

Carving Marble around Taj

The Yamuna river behind The Taj

Detail at the Top of The Taj

The Carving Holes 

Take a rest beside The Taj 

The Taj Mahal is the place where you should come to experience by yourself at least once because 
No picture can express how beauty The Taj are better than your sight and your mind.
 I was really impressive..... in her peaceful beauty.

To be contineu....

Incredible India : Rajasthan

When I began to think about a new interesting trip , I thought about India.
India was the sacred country for me because there are many holy sites of Buddhism such as Bodh Gaya is the place where  Buddha attained Enlightenment,Sarnath where the Buddha had a first teaching,and last is where the Buddha passed away, Kusinara. 

However, by searching information for travelling, I realized that it's really hard to backpack to travel around those area without a guide in the first time in this country because some places, there are no showing information or no symbol to let tourists know that is an important place. 

In addition, for a public transport is quite difficult to travel because almost of them is located in small towns ,so for backpackers who don't familiar with India's public transport could easily get lost.

Thus I have changed my destination to Rajasthan ,where are the most popular region for tourists. For a reason, it is easier to backpack to travel for the first time in India. My first tip in India then began ........................

Incredible India : Rajasthan 

Monday 4 July 2011

Let's start with a new experience in my life

Today, I have decided to have my personal blog that I heard about this before but I have never interested in. Why I have changed my mind to create my own one ??? It has just because my friends ask me to write about my new travelling which is occurring in a few coming day. Therefore, I think how I can tell and describe my trip effectively. A blog then rush into my head and I think it's a good opportunity to learn a new cyber communication. That why this is my blog!!!!!!  
 yeh yeh yeh