Wednesday 13 July 2011

Incredible India : Rajasthan

When I began to think about a new interesting trip , I thought about India.
India was the sacred country for me because there are many holy sites of Buddhism such as Bodh Gaya is the place where  Buddha attained Enlightenment,Sarnath where the Buddha had a first teaching,and last is where the Buddha passed away, Kusinara. 

However, by searching information for travelling, I realized that it's really hard to backpack to travel around those area without a guide in the first time in this country because some places, there are no showing information or no symbol to let tourists know that is an important place. 

In addition, for a public transport is quite difficult to travel because almost of them is located in small towns ,so for backpackers who don't familiar with India's public transport could easily get lost.

Thus I have changed my destination to Rajasthan ,where are the most popular region for tourists. For a reason, it is easier to backpack to travel for the first time in India. My first tip in India then began ........................

Incredible India : Rajasthan 

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